Frequently Asked Questions
This depends on which course you’re interested in. Our courses have been created with individual schedules to suit the training material being offered.
It might take you approximately 2-5 hours per week to complete the course.
For each course, there are usually between 2 to 8 hours of video-teaching in total. On top of that, you’ll be posting in the community forum, you’ll be putting everything you’re learning into practise at work, you’ll be doing and submitting assignments, and you’ll be filling out quizzes. It might take you 1-2 hours extra per week to do all these extras, so factor that in when you’re planning your time.
Yes. Our courses are video-based and run on the Thinkific Platform online, so access to internet is necessary for accessing the course materials.
If you have some staff that do not have good access to the internet, there are alternative ways of delivering the course material, which can be arranged.
At the moment, all our courses are taught in English, however they been designed with the knowledge that most learners may speak English as a second language.
Written materials, captions, and video-based step-by-step tutorials are used to explain all concepts.
Multi-lingual training resources are in the plan for the future - please keep an eye on ‘Data Class (French)’ which should be launching in April 2024 and is a fully French course.
If you have capacity-building needs in another language, please get in touch directly at
Depending on the size of your organisation and the availability of funding for professional development, you might not be able to afford the course.
If you work for a local or national organisation, with less than $100,000 annual turnover, you may be eligible for subsidised access, please get in touch directly.
If you work for a larger company or international NGO or donor, and would like to subsidise access for staff of small/local organisations, social enterprises, governments, or students who have self-selected that they want and need this course, please do get in touch directly at
Yes! In the spirit of the social sector, by all means, please enable smaller and local organisations to access courses by either subsidising their fee or paying the full amount on their behalf. Please contact
If you use the payment method through our course platform, it allows you to pay by credit card or PayPal.
Most organisations prefer to receive an invoice and pay by bank transfer. If this is your preferred method of payment, please contact directly
If you are a team based in a field location, and a headquarters office will pay for your access, please email
If you want to sign up multiple participants, we have discounts for groups of 6 or more and 25 or more. There are various ways we can arrange access for your participants, so please email