Latest Tutorials
Audit Tool: Calculate the Time that a Data Collector takes per Question using ODK
One question that many M&E officers or information managers ask when collecting data in KoboToolbox or ODK, is “How long did the enum...
Collect Disability Data using the Washington Group Short Set
Do you disaggregate your data by disability status, whether you’re collecting monitoring data or programme activity data? In this article...
Reporting to your beneficiaries is important: Lessons about Beneficiary Accountability from COVID19
If you now find yourself in the midst of the coronavirus crisis, let me ask you how much you appreciate getting data and information ever...
Add Geopoint, Geotrace, and Geoshape to a QGIS Map
When you collect geopoint, geotrace, or geoshape data using ODK Collect or KoboToolbox, you can display them in QGIS. In this artic...
How to Collect GPS Data using ODK Collect and KoboToolbox
How do you collect GPS data using KoboToolbox or ODK? In humanitarian and development work, it’s common to collect GPS locations to...
Prevent Selecting “None of the Above” with any Other Option – XLSForm Constraint Tutorial and Template
I want to share with you a useful XLSForm constraint that you can use when you create digital questionnaires for Kobo Toolbox, ODK, Ona, ...